Flávia Milhorance, Jane B. Singer

Media trust and use among urban news consumers in Brazil

in civic institutions, the media foremost among them. This study explores how audiences connect ethical precepts to media credibility and trust through research in Brazil, South America's largest democracy. Original focus group data are analysed in the context of exclusive questionnaire data from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism to understand why news consumers trust - or do not trust - their media, and the implications of those perceptions

Keywords: credibility, diversity, focus groups, media use, transparency, trust


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Note on the contributor

Flávia Milhorance is a Brazilian independent journalist with more than ten years of experience as a reporter and editor. She has contributed to media outlets in Brazil and abroad, including the Guardian, BBC Brazil, O Globo, the Intercept Brazil and Mongabay News. She holds an MA in Financial Journalism from an Erasmus joint programme with City, University of London (UK), and Aarhus University (Denmark).

Jane B. Singer is Professor of Journalism Innovation at City University of London, where she also serves as research lead for the Department of Journalism. Her research explores digital journalism, including changing roles, perceptions, norms and practices. Recent publications include 'Theorizing digital journalism' for The Routledge Handbook of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies and 'Fact-checkers as entrepreneurs' for Journalism Practice.